Hanwell Park AcademyΒ is a new school opening in September 2022. Below are a few facts about the school:

β€’ Hanwell Park Academy School is located at 2331 Route 640, Hanwell, NB. E3E 0H4
β€’ The school is a Kindergarten to Grade 8 student configuration built for 650 students.
β€’ Programs: English Prime and French Immersion.
β€’ Features of the school building:
Number of Classrooms: 37 which includes the early year’s classroom.
Number of Gyms: 2
Cafeteria space with stage and learning stairs.
Two Music Rooms, Performing Arts, Library Commons, Breakout Spaces, Project Rooms, Early Childhood Space, Adult Training Center.
β€’ Size of the Building: approximately 10 500 mΒ².
β€’ Size of the Property: approximately 34 acres.
β€’ The school features brilliant colors in a nature theme palette

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